Akademija, Cyrillic, 1966 (Academy): This typeface was made for the University and Academy where he worked.Triptihon, Cyrillic, 1962 (Triptych): Another cut face, but this time really taken from the sample made in linocut.This was the first of his typefaces transformed in a computer font. Galerija Grafiki kolektiv, Cyrillic, 1962 (Graphic Collective Gallery): A beautiful Cyrillic display face.Vukan, Latin, 1960: Named after his second son, Vukan, this is a sharply cut orthogonal typeface.Rastko himself thinks it was devised as light, almost linear and it was a part of his character. Rastko, Latin, 1955: It is a versal typeface made in only one weight.Many would be classified today as poster types, type to accompany illustrations. Most of Ćirić's types were for Cyrillic, while some have Latin alphabets as well. His publications include Graphic identification 1961-1981 (SKZ, Belgrade, 1982), Graphic communications 1954-1984 (Vajat, Belgrade, 1986), Heraldry 1 (University of Arts, Belgrade, 1983) and Coat-of-Arms of Belgrade, Heraldry 2 (Cicero, Belgrade, 1991). He was Head of the Graphic Department from 1974 to 1975. He was professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts, Belgrade from 1964 until 1997. His CV: he graduated in 1954 from the Academy of Applied Arts, Belgrade and took his Masters Degree in 1959, under Professor Mihailo S. His sons Rastko and Vukan write about both aspects of his life. Serbian book illustrator, graphic arts teacher and phototype, woodtype and linocut letter type designer, b. TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on